
1000 targeted visitors & 11% CTR for 2 cappuccinos

’ve just bought and read a Special Report that tells you how
to use video to get 1000 targeted visitors to your site in 24 hours.

That’s a heck of a lot of traffic.

And you don’t even need a video camera!

In this particular case, that traffic generated an 11% click
through rate on AdSense ads too. So that's around 110 clicks.

The author of the Report is someone I respect a great deal online
– Jon Leger. Jon created the first really good AdSense tracking
script as well as a clever AdSense alternative.

Jon’s a keen AdSense user and he’s done some serious experimenting
to work out how to use sites like YouTube to deliver traffic and to
do it fast.

So if you want to keep up to date with how video is driving traffic,
get this thing and give it a read. It’s about the same price as
2 cappuccinos from Starbucks.

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